The best Guest List App for event organizers

Join our happy Eventors Dashboard
One platform
to rule them all

Create a free event and see for yourself how simple it is to have all your guests in ONE place. 

Purchase an event and drop your guests as an Excel file. 

Once you try Eventor you’ll never want to go back to Excel for your guest management!

Flawless guest check-in

Tired of searching for names on paper? Use our check-in app!

Last minute changes are no longer a problem! Add extra guests at any time.

Enjoy our smart QR-Code or One-Tap-Check-in functions and say goodbye to long queues at the entrance. on iPhone
Extra guest check-in
What our customers love most about Eventor

Our instant guest synchronization on all devices.

Unreliable internet connection? Don’t worry, we have your back! All check-in activities are saved on the device so if the connection drops, it will automatically resync on all your tablets and smartphones once your network is restored. 

Real-time sync on

Our customers are from all around the world,
we have fair prices in your local currencies.