Eventor.app https://eventor.app The best platform for event organizers Mon, 02 Sep 2019 12:32:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0 https://eventor.app/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/apple-touch-icon-120x120-100x100.png Eventor.app https://eventor.app 32 32 3 creative ways to find the perfect speakers for your event https://eventor.app/3-creative-ways-to-find-the-perfect-speakers-for-your-event/ https://eventor.app/3-creative-ways-to-find-the-perfect-speakers-for-your-event/#respond Mon, 26 Aug 2019 12:35:07 +0000 https://eventor.app/?p=1460 Speakers are the most essential component of making your event a success. We’ll be giving you a few useful tips on how to find fitting speakers that won’t make the audience drift off during your event. 1. Pick a theme The first step you need to take is define the main theme of your event […]

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Speakers are the most essential component of making your event a success. We’ll be giving you a few useful tips on how to find fitting speakers that won’t make the audience drift off during your event.

1. Pick a theme

The first step you need to take is define the main theme of your event and what you want the speakers to enlighten the attendees about. This makes the next few steps much easier and also helps with the overall organisation and promotion of the event. The event manager blog put together a 100 cool ideas for event themes, which you can check out here.

Now that you’ve figured out a cool theme for your event, the search for awesome speakers can commence. There are various approaches and techniques, so we gathered a selection of the most effective ways and it’s up to you to figure out what works best!

2. Keyword search

As you have a vague idea on what you’d like the speech to be about, an easy approach is to search for keywords relating the chosen topic. For example, if you’re looking for somebody to speak about the future of artificial intelligence, type in the keywords “artificial intelligence” in your search engine and look for active users on professional forums and you’ll find spokespeople for their industry. Also explore popular blog posts or industry news and scroll through the comments. Response to questions on the given topic on sites such as Quora or Reddit, upcoming book releases or youtube videos and TED Talks on the topic are all great ways to find speakers.

3. Social Media

The best way to get to your target audience in this day and age is over social media platforms. Write a short but gripping text vaguely explaining what the event is about, what you’re looking for in a speech and contact information and post it on your social media accounts (don’t forget about LinkedIn!). In a few of the past events we organised we were astounded by the response and we reached inspiring personalities that we never would’ve thought of contacting.

Websites such as the national speakers association, TED’s official list of past speakers or Speakerhub are also helpful whilst searching.

The Takeaway

We hope you enjoyed our 3 creative ways to find the perfect speakers for your event and that you put them to good use.

Have any questions or think we forgot something? Drop us a line in the chat.

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Event management and future visions with James Taylor https://eventor.app/james-taylor/ Thu, 11 Jul 2019 09:44:00 +0000 https://eventor.app/?p=1349 James Taylor is an award-winning speaker and internationally recognized leader in creativity and innovation. For over 20 years, he has been teaching entrepreneurs, educators, corporate leaders, writers and rockstars how to build innovative organizations and design the creative life they desire. As the founder of C-SCHOOL™ and host of The Creative Life Podcast and TV […]

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James Taylor is an award-winning speaker and internationally recognized leader in creativity and innovation. For over 20 years, he has been teaching entrepreneurs, educators, corporate leaders, writers and rockstars how to build innovative organizations and design the creative life they desire.

As the founder of C-SCHOOL™ and host of The Creative Life Podcast and TV Show, he’s taught thousands of individuals in over 120 countries through his online courses, books, videos and keynote speeches.

James is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts (F.R.S.A.) whose Fellows have included global innovators and leaders including President Benjamin Franklin, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Bob Dylan, Adam Smith, Nelson Mandela and Professor Stephen Hawking.

His fascinating keynote speeches have enlightened thousands, contact him here to book him for your next event.

We had the honour of interviewing him and in 9 carefully picked questions, he lets us in on his life path, creativity principles and visions of the future.

Time for the interview

1. How did you get to where you are today?

Artist Management

When I left school I became a professional jazz drummer and for the first two years I travelled around the world playing drums. But I was always fascinated by the business side of things. Very quickly I started being asked to organize events and from there I was asked to start managing other artists. One thing led to another and I was then asked to manage a number of more high-profile artists like the pop band Deacon Blue.

From there I realized one day while managing artists and putting tours together is great, you don’t have any intellectual property that you’re creating. Once the artists walk out the door, that’s it.

Record label and online education

Myself and my wife Alison then started two record labels and a music publishing company. Records were released all over the world and our publishing was used in everything from Japanese soap operas to TV ads to children’s TV shows. With the arrival of Napster I started to see that the music and record industry would change dramatically. An opportunity came up for me to move to California and to work in online education, which I was always really passionate about. A gentleman starting a company asked me to come on board and help grow it. We started online music schools and over the space of the next three years launched 30 online music schools.

We worked with Grammy Award winning music artists by helping them create their online schools with all the content and then launch it subscription based. Imagine Netflix but for music lessons.

Keynote Speaker

After that, I was getting asked to speak more and more at conferences around online education, marketing, technology and creativity. I was enjoying that so much that I thought that’s something I want to do. I want to speak and spend a lot of my time on what I was doing before, which was travelling around the world, not as a musician or as a manager of artists but as a speaker.

That’s basically what I do today. In the past 90 days I’ve spoken in 19 countries around the world. I speak to everyone from governments of countries to large corporate organizations, multinationals to associations and all different types of industries. I speak primarily on business creativity innovation and artificial intelligence. That’s how I arrived at where I am today.

2. What gave you the courage to become a keynote speaker?

Finding your passion

If you think about getting up on stage from an evolutionary perspective our brains were being hard wired, so the fight-or-flight part of your brain is very naturally wanting to get off or not even go on that stage in the first place. The first way to get over that is getting to a place where you’re really passionate about your topic and you just want to share it. I still think it starts with the same place: having something that you’re passionate about and a message that you want to share with the world.

Sharing your message

After finding your message it’s about the mechanics in terms of your stage scales (presenting, crafting speeches, getting booked). I have a whole program called Speakers U, where I train speakers on how to build an international speaking career. Many of them are working in successful corporate jobs but feel they’ve gotten to a point in their life where they want to make a change. They could simply want a lifestyle change or they’re really passionate about a particular cause and want to share it. Once they identify that, we help them find a way to launch and build a profitable business around their speaking.

We are living at a great time now, especially with the online head start. In the next three years another three billion people will be coming online for the very first time. 

3. What are you working on right now and what are your goals in the future?

At the moment we’re working on really amplifying the message that we’re putting out there around creativity. Moreover the idea of super creativity, which is how humans can augment their creativity with exponential technologies like A.I. and machine learning. We’re currently creating a series of courses, different products and programs in order to help get that message out there.

My big mission is to unlock the creative potential in a billion people. It’s a big number and I can’t do that by just speaking on stages, as much as I love speaking on stage. I have to use online tools, social media and other things in order to be able to get those ideas out there. 

4. After obtaining the “Icon of the Year” Reward by the United Nations Global Entrepreneur Council, what advice would you give entrepreneurs?

Now is a phenomenal time to be an entrepreneur for a number of reasons. One is what I mentioned before with these new customers coming online and into the market for the first time and another is around the technological change that is going on with things like A.I. and machine learning. I think now we’re in this time of implementation, regardless of what you do. 

The other day they just launched a legal firm called Robot Robot & Hwang. Hwang is the only human partner, the other two partners are AIs. One A.I. specializes in legal mergers and acquisitions, whereas the other specializes in litigation. This is a new type of legal firm, which is half human half A.I. they are working together just the world of A.I. Imagine you’re in the world of finance, there are huge opportunities in finance for combining human creativity, strategic and critical thinking with the processing power of machine learning. As an entrepreneur the first thing I would be doing is, whatever your domain of expertise is, I would be looking to think how I could augment what I do now with technology such as A.I.. It’s a bit like the Wild West, there’s a massive opportunity to make some pretty huge transformations.

5. How do you think the job market will look in 10 years?

The University of Oxford estimates nearly 50% of jobs will disappear over the next few years because of technologies like A.I. and 85% of jobs that will be done in 2030 haven’t even been invented yet.

As an individual or company you have to come to peace with the idea. You either have to disrupt or be disrupted. There may be completely new entrants into a market, who will use some of these technologies and out-innovate you. They’re going to take your jobs, not as the machine is getting a job, but because they can use and understand these technologies better and combine it with their human creativity and innovativeness. The skills around creativity, strategic thinking, resilience, emotional intelligence and critical thinking are the ones to really be looking at and also the technical skills around A.I. machine learning robotics. This is based upon World Economic Forum and Linkedin Research.

6. What can be done to unlock one’s creative potential?

There is a creative process, which I use to create and develop ideas in five stages:

  • Preperation Stage
  • Incubation Stage
  • Insight Stage
  • Evaluation Stage
  • Elaboration Stage

Check out the full explanation on the five stages of the creative process with James’ YouTube Video here:

8. What do you expect from events and what can enhance your experience at such events?

I think events are going through a real change at the moment . For a lot of conferences and association events it used to primarily be about content. There would be a bunch of speakers that would speak for their hour each with some coffee breaks in between and it was all about content. But today we have things like TED Talks, online videos and YouTube. So I think the role of events now is more about communicating and experience. That’s where we can learn a lot from music festivals for example, where there is more experiential types of things. But I think a bigger part now is we’re so focused on our own digital lives that we actually want to have some communal experience and that time where we come together.

8. What other tips can you give to event organisers?

Pre Event

I get asked a lot now to do the pre and post event. The traditional pre stage of an event was to send out questionnaires or the agenda and on the post side to send out surveys. There are many creative ways to make this more exciting. The organisers of a conference I will be speaking at in India next month reserved a day on Twitter a few weeks before the event. All the speakers attending will talk about the event, raise consciousness, get a feel of the poeple that are attending and answer questions.

Post Event

On the post side you could do webinars for example or offer upsells as a part of the event. You could put on an event two days later which is only for 50 people instead of 500 and it’s more like a one day retreat style, where you bring most of the speakers at the event together and it’s more of an intimate type of place. 

Another thing you also can do for the post event is breaking down some of the content and providing it to people in the days and weeks after the event. This enables them to continue to implement it in their lives and businesses. I spoke at an event in Brazil and the organizers are now sending out a series of briefing documents after the event with “Here’s the one thing to do this week to implement what James was talking about”. 

9. Is there anything else you would like to add?

I’ve always been fascinated by events. The first time I did an event was when I got asked to take a cake on stage for a piano player, as my father was a music musician. I took the cake on stage and it turned out he was Oscar Peterson, a great Canadian jazz pianist, which I only found out a few years later.

About a year ago I wanted to understand the trends and future of events.

Myself and another speaker called Erin Gargan interviewed 45 of the world’s best event and conference organizers on the Event Professionals Summit.

With a free pass you can watch all these interviews that we did together. We discussed topics such as: How do you sell more tickets to your event, how do you create more interactive experiences at your event and how do you reduce costs for your event.

Thank you James!

We hope you enjoyed this interview with James Taylor! It was an honour to find out more about his journey and thoughts, be sure to check out the great content he puts out regularly.

Have any questions? Drop us a line in our chat.

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Crowdfunding for events? Test event ideas risk-free with Crovento & Eventor.app https://eventor.app/crovento-crowdfund-your-events/ Thu, 27 Jun 2019 15:30:01 +0000 https://eventor.app/?p=731 Unique ideas are worth a shot and Crovento can make them happen. So many event manager  drop their concept because they are too crazy or they don’t have the budget for them.  We believe that it shouldn’t be that way. With Crovento you let your future guest decide! At Eventor we always trive to make our client’s dreams […]

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Unique ideas are worth a shot and Crovento can make them happen. So many event manager  drop their concept because they are too crazy or they don’t have the budget for them.  We believe that it shouldn’t be that way. With Crovento you let your future guest decide! At Eventor we always trive to make our client’s dreams come through by providing a smooth experience during the event. With Crovento event organizors can test their wildest ideas and make them the ultimate experiences.

Get to know Crovento

Crovento is a crowdfunding platform that allows ideas, events, and experiences happen in a risk-free manner. Events simply get validated by the community through tickets pre-sale. If you reach your funding goals, your investors become your guests.

Only when your minimum goal is reached, the attendees are charged, tickets are delivered and funds are released to the organizers. Otherwise, there are no changes made or loses for both the organizers and the event attendees.

This breakthrough aspires to reduce the common risks in fundraising, production, expenses, and other event planning activities that most event organizers struggle with. It’s a problem that has been existing but Crovento finally made it their duty to provide a win-win and breakeven solution.  

Two heads are better than one

It’s not a coincidence that Eventor.app and Crovento believe in the same notion. Everyone needs a chance even more so ideas need to get the same chance. Truthfully, all that we have invented and currently using to our advantage started as ideas. From the Internet to the skyscrapers, planes, and automobiles. We connect with people worldwide and build a strong community that shares the same goals and values. Isn’t it exciting to think how farther we’d go in the future knowing we could give ideas a try without losing a battle? Exactly. That’s why together with Crovento, we’re focus on building a better environment for event planner. An environment where they can experiment and at the same time rely on technology to open new opportunities. Therefore, a sweet spot for those who wish to create experiences that make living worthwhile.

No idea is impossible as long as the event community approves

Anyone with a creative and innovative mind has the power to make a change. When you have that idea, it fuels up the vessel to keep running surmounting boundaries. This is what trailblazers aim for– to empower ideas, events, and experiences that society seeks and supports. To create an impact in the safest and most convenient way possible expanding horizons, engaging communities and meeting new people all at once. Before an event comes to life, the processes it has to undergo takes a while and sometimes its success isn’t guaranteed. Today, that’s about to change if you only allow yourselves to join us.  While Crovento brings experiences and events come to life, Eventor.app makes event organizers life easier to perform and manage.

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12 Best Break Activities For Your Event https://eventor.app/12-best-break-activities-for-your-event/ Fri, 21 Jun 2019 14:39:11 +0000 https://eventor.app/?p=1130 We chose 12 of the best break activities to make your event more memorable and fun, enjoy! 1. Speed Networking Yes, you read correctly. We’re not talking about speed dating but speed networking, which works the same but has a completely different purpose. It’s a great way to maximize the number of new connections in […]

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We chose 12 of the best break activities to make your event more memorable and fun, enjoy!

1. Speed Networking

Yes, you read correctly. We’re not talking about speed dating but speed networking, which works the same but has a completely different purpose. It’s a great way to maximize the number of new connections in a limited amount of time. Limit the time to max. 5-7 minutes per session to ensure that they meet as many new people as possible, they can exchange their contact information or business cards if they hit it off.

For a complete guide on how speed networking works and an elaborate guide, click here.

2. Meditation Sessions

In a world of high stress levels and constant push notifications, imagine having the option to participate in a meditation or yoga session after lunch whilst attending a busy event. A few minutes of quiet reflection can go a long way and can be the perfect way to refresh the attendees’ thoughts. Even at the World Economic Forum in Davos, delegates reportedly queued for half an hour to get a place in the early morning meditation session, hoping to get an instruction to the art of meditation and be “in charge of their minds”. The World Economic Forum put together an interesting article about the effects of meditation here.

3. Rapid Fire Questions

Similar to the concept of speed networking, fire questions is also a straightforward networking game to connect new people in a short time span. All your attendees have to do is find a partner and answer the questions (which they can choose themselves or are provided by you) in a minute and repeat this 10-15 times. After this exercise, it’ll be easier to connect to other people or continue the conversation from before. 

Some examples of questions: 

  • What business are you in?
  • What are you hoping from this event?
  • What are you hoping from this event?
  • What’s your dream job?

4. Sponsor Booths

A win-win situation for you and your sponsors. Encourage them to have a booth at your event with an exciting activity (e.g. Ice cream making, playing videos games, trying out VR) and argue this by telling them the guests are all potential customers and will have a good impression of their brand after engaging with them.

5. Short Physical Sessions

If you’re organising a big conference, consider integrating short physical activities such as a group walk around the venue location, a guided tour of the neighbourhood or a short bike ride. Anything that gets their heart beat racing and clears their head for a few minutes.

6. Tower Team Building Ice Break

Now it’s time to get creative. The attendees have eighteen minutes in teams of four to build the tallest freestanding structure using 20 sticks of spaghetti, yard tape and string and one marshmallow (which has to be on top). This well-know team exercise is a fun and innovative way to create a great team spirit.

This TED Talk explains how it works and what the advantages are.

Video: TED Talks

7. Learn New Tricks

As Leonardo da Vinci once said “Learning never exhausts the mind”, so why not take his advice and create a corner with mini learning opportunities. The activities don’t need to be related to the topic of the event and can range from decorating cupcakes to knitting scarves .

8. Scavenger Hunts

The rush of adrenaline whilst running around looking for clues is something we always look forward to. Imagine integrating one into your event? Make it a group activity to bring attendees together and set up a few challenges they need to achieve to be rewarded with a prize. 

Fun challenges could include:

  • Find someone who had the same major as you or has the same job title
  • Share a team photo in front of the event sign on social media
  • Visit 3 sponsor booths that sparked your interest

9. Human Bingo

Another way to break the ice and a fun way to network is human bingo. It’s easy to prepare, all you need to do is create bingo cards with boxes filled with industry and audience relevant topics.

This website offers a short, easy guide to play human bingo as well as a free template.

10. Networking Roundtables

How does it work? Divide your guests into small groups of 5-8 people, assign each table a discussion topic and let your audience do the work from there. Give them 10 minutes to exchange their knowledge on the said subject and after that move on to the next table.

Image: Slido

11. Live Band

Alright, this isn’t exactly an activity but it makes the breaks a lot more fun. Having a live band or DJ at your event enforces a great atmosphere and puts everyone in a good mood. Just make sure they aren’t too loud and that you can still hold a normal conversation without having to shout. 

12. Photo Booth

Last but certainly not least: the classical photo booth. Who doesn’t love standing in front of a camera with a few props and having a memory to cherish after the event? It also makes a perfect instagram post, which is a great way to promote your event on social media through guests.


Also, be sure to provide drinks and snacks during these activities to reenergize your attendees!

These were just 12 of many ideas there are to keep your guests busy, we hope you inspired you.

Eventor wishes you happy event planning!

Feel free to contact us on our chat if you have any questions.

The post 12 Best Break Activities For Your Event appeared first on Eventor.app.

Event Analytics Tools for Professional Event Organizers https://eventor.app/best-event-analytics-tools-organizers/ Mon, 21 Jan 2019 15:48:51 +0000 https://eventor.app/?p=404 You might have an idea of how successful businesses maintain engaging marketing strategies. But you might have missed that they put all the effort into knowing their market, target audience and their preferences through data gathering and event analytics. It’s true companies come up with an informed decision after a careful review of quality data. […]

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You might have an idea of how successful businesses maintain engaging marketing strategies. But you might have missed that they put all the effort into knowing their market, target audience and their preferences through data gathering and event analytics. It’s true companies come up with an informed decision after a careful review of quality data. They begin to implement data-driven strategies and it’s now time for event organizers to acknowledge this trend.

Event Organizers and the truth about Event Analytics

Collecting data can be challenging but it is straightforward. The first thing you have to do is make sure you know what tools to use for data gathering. Since events are the best fit for this, you can start with an event planner app. Basically, the app helps you gather basic guest information such as name and contact details. It then gives an overview of how many attendees showed up and determines who they are. Aside from that, you can still use these data to connect and keep in touch with your attendees.

If you haven’t used any event management apps before, then it’s not too late to give Eventor app a try. This doesn’t only allow you to remove paper-based event registration but keeps and retrieves the data you need that is crucial and useful for event planning.

For instance, big names such as Bulgari and Giorgio Armani already enjoyed the uncrowded event entrance thanks to our Eventor app. Event managers can easily keep a record of the people who showed up, the time they arrived, the number of RSVPs, contact information, additional guests, and those who didn’t arrive at the event. Without this data, reaching out, monitoring and tracking loyal customers and prospects will surely be difficult. The good news? Eventor seamlessly allows everything to be exported to your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems no matter what it is. To export successfully, here’s how to do it.

Maintaining Customer Relationship with a smart CRM tool

The next thing you have to know is to choose the right CRM. The Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) s a tool used to manage customer relationship through acquiring up to date and relevant data. A smart CRM processes the data into useful information used in decision making.  This is crucial as a decision will either make or break a business. Below are some examples of CRM tools for event analysis and a brief preview of each. 

Salesforce - Cloud Computing Solutions for Every Business

With over 150,000 customers worldwide, Salesforce remains a robust cloud-based CRM software that continues to grow small and large-scale businesses. Offering various solutions, this CRM software gives you that ease to manage customer reports and carry out workflows. From sales, service, marketing, and commerce, it allows a convenient tracking of data and forecasting revenues.

If finding a powerful CRM, Salesforce is the one as it features account and contact management, opportunity management and score, lead management, sales data, sales forecasting, real-time visibility, drag-and-drop interface, visual workflow, lead assignment, and routing, just to name a few.

Aside from that, it covers real-time customer support, monitors engagement and creates a one-on-one marketing journey for both existing and prospect customers. There’s no need for an IT expert but it is recommended to undergo training beforehand.

World’s #1 most used CRM according to IDC, Worldwide Semiannual Software Tracker

Play Video

Microsoft Dynamics 365 - The next generation of Business Applications

Who would miss Microsoft Dynamics 365 as an all in one business management solution? Microsoft released two versions of this, one for SMEs and an Enterprise edition for large-scale businesses. We all know how flexible Microsoft is when it comes to targeting crucial areas from sales, customer and field service, finance and operations, retail, marketing, mixed reality, and even artificial intelligence.

To know more how to use this to monitor event analytics, check out their software overview and pricing plans here.

microsoft dynamics 365
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Batchbook - Small Business CRM

The Batchbook CRM is perfect for small and mid-size businesses who aim to build a strong customer relationship without taking out a large expense. Basically, this one efficiently organizes and imports contacts, easily manage sales-related information, and allows smooth collaboration at a fair price.

Knowing how event analytics is crucial for decision making, Batchbook gives you that ease to sort, track, categorize, and save those data to a cloud constantly. Save time searching through thousands of data with its dynamic contact lists. When a certain contact fits a criterion, it is automatically added to a list. Whereas, if not, it is removed automatically. With or without your attention, this gives you an up-to-date list that you always need.

Know what features small and mid-sized businesses love about them

Play Video

Free CRM for Small Businesses - Hubspot CRM

Who would have known we can still find a free CRM plan today? Take a look of how the basic features of Hubspot CRM work from the inside by signing up to their free plan which stays free without a time period. 

Write relevant and up-to-date emails while accessing a helpful sidebar on your screen with the related customer information such as communication history, last activity and a lot more. Enjoy the basic features such as lead analytics dashboard, lead flows, collected forms, contact activity, contact management, contact & company insights.

Source: Hubspot

It’s free and you can give their basic features a try here.

Play Video

The Takeaway

With the rapid changing of technology, even organizations have to catch up and use these event management apps and CRM software to an advantage. Moreover, if you think about it, event registration is not just for the sake of formality but rather a first step to reaching out, engaging and building a trustworthy customer relationship. It’s a win-win situation if you provide the right service for the right people with the help of event analytics. Choose your weapons above and turn your events unforgettable. 

The post Event Analytics Tools for Professional Event Organizers appeared first on Eventor.app.

Top 3 All-time Favorite Newsletter Tools for Event Organizers https://eventor.app/best-email-newsletter-tool/ Wed, 16 Jan 2019 15:12:05 +0000 https://eventor.app/?p=391 One crucial factor to a successful event is getting your attendees to come but it starts with an irresistible email invite. Sending a targeted and personalized email invitation through a newsletter tool ensures that attendees receive and open it real time despite the busy mailbox. Informing them also raise awareness about your upcoming event. This […]

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One crucial factor to a successful event is getting your attendees to come but it starts with an irresistible email invite. Sending a targeted and personalized email invitation through a newsletter tool ensures that attendees receive and open it real time despite the busy mailbox.

Informing them also raise awareness about your upcoming event. This gives you that opportunity to get the presence of valuable attendees. By doing this, you’re confident enough to be always on top of your event planning activities because you got the right tools that reach and invite a targeted audience even globally.

1. MailChimp - “the All-time Kickstarter”

Since 2001, MailChimp has become one of the largest and all-time kickstarter newsletter tools out there. Famous for its easy-to-use interface, forever free plan and who would forget the iconic chimp logo, Frederick von Chimpenheimer IV or Freddie for short.

Best to try the freemium plan first to enjoy delivering 12,000 emails per month and grow your subscribers up to 2,000. It’s for beginners too. In fact, most startups begin with this email marketing software.

There’s access to most of the features allowing easy creation and customization of signup forms and attractive campaigns. Thanks to its user-friendly drag and drop editor and a  fantastic variety of templates.

Our main goal is to easily create attractive campaigns that will invite guests and compel them to come to your next events. MailChimp will take you on a step-by-step process so you don’t miss a thing or get lost in the middle of campaign creation. Send invitations automatically with its automation advanced feature as well.

It’s not that bad for a free plan. You can always upgrade to access the advanced features like most of the email marketing service provider. So you’ll need to avail their premium plans and see what best suffice your needs. Mind you, it can be quite pricey depending on your desired subscriber count. Worry not though for Mailchimp offers two types of plan, monthly and pay as you go so you can be as flexible as you want to.

What to love

  • Easy to use interface
  • Creative Templates
  • Generous Freemium Plan
  • Access to basic list management and campaign tracking tools (contact tagging, list groups, and segmentation, A/B Testing, reports, contact profiles

What to expect

  • Pricey premium plan
  • Advanced features (multivariate testing, comparative reports, compliance, and delivery insights.)

2. Sendgrid - “the Techie’s Choice”

Living up to their sole duty, Sendgrid continues to offer solutions to the challenges of email delivery. And by email delivery, we’re talking about tons and tons of emails every day.  What Sendgrid does is ensuring that your emails, no matter how many, will surely land on your recipient’s inbox and not as spam. Successful sending and delivering of email are crucial to business transaction and communication that’s why some businesses give that tasks to the experts.

Sendgrid can also be a free newsletter tool which has access to essential features and sends 40,000 emails for 30 days only. After 30 days, you can either upgrade or remain using the free plan.

To code or not to code?

As event organizers, we understand that most of you don’t have the luxury of time to use its advanced technical features. Opting to code requires training and practice but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to learn. However, Sendgrid is more likely to have better options for technical features such as programming than the others as they started as an API company serving developers worldwide. It’s a good thing they provided an easier option for non-developers so it’s still manageable through the drag and drop editor.  

Known for the specialty in bulk email delivery, Sendgrid features an IP white labeling which is very essential for sending emails to many. White labeling helps for branding and good for people who are particular and keen with brands.

Another good thing is that anyone with an account has access to their 24/7 customer service. Although it may seem confusing at first, you’ll eventually get used to its interface. More so, you get the basic email marketing service as well so it’s pretty good. To sum it up, we’d say this one is meant for professionals.

What to love

  • Full access to email essentials (APIs, real-time analytics, webhooks, template editors ) for 30 days (trial)
  • Fair pricing plans
  • 24/7 customer service (phone, email, chat support)
  • Stable and reliable email service

What to expect

  • Lots of creative ideas you can do to modify templates
  • Enjoy full campaign customization
  • Difficulty level for beginners
  • Not a lot of templates
  • Advanced features that will demand you to learn how to use it

3. Campaign Monitor - “the Nifty Campaigner ”

Campaign Monitor believes in the beauty of simplicity. Over 2 million people and counting are loving their services. They offer a selection of email marketing solutions according to the needs of every type of company. That’s why small, medium and even large businesses love this email service because it’s simple, clear and intuitive. When it comes to building, sending and tracking your campaigns,  Campaign Monitor is not the odd one out.

The pricing plan is also not bad for what you get. Just to create and send attractive invitations?  you basically get the best of both worlds. Beautifully made professional templates and ease of use. As event organizers, we’re sure that’s two of the basic things you need.

Although Campaign Monitor has no free plan, you can still create a free account to see what’s it like from the inside when you purchase a premium plan. Access their templates and make it your own. No need to complicate it because they made email marketing simple and unforgettable.

What to love

  • Beautiful designed templates
  • Practical drag and drop editor
  • Personalized customer journey

What to expect

  • Limited customization of template unless you create your own
  • Some bulk email marketing improvements
  • No free plan

Combining Eventor app with any newsletter tool

Worry not though if you wish to find an event app compatible with any email marketing software that also serves as a newsletter tool. We, at Eventor, make sure that you get the ultimate help you deserve to be more productive. A faster way to check-in your guests in a paperless manner at the event, easily import your invitee lists. When you are ready to send invitations, simply import the list from Eventor.app to your favorite email marketing platform and create compelling campaigns. Here’s how to import the list you prepared if it’s your first time to use the app.  It also has a strong GDPR compliant core so everything is secured and reliable. Truly a powerful all around guest management app that you surely want to try.

For those of you that struggle and wish to use their time doing something, you feel comfortable doing, let us help you! Our campaign managers can make beautiful digital invitation for you. Any Eventor paying user can get the electronic invitation as a service for just 300 USD.

So don’t hesitate to drop us a line in the chat!

The Takeaway

We tried each of them first hand and after careful scrutiny of each of the newsletter tools, here is the takeaway. Technical considerations come in handy — a strong GDPR compliance, an easy-to-use user interface, and a wide range of app integrations can be found.

Seriously, Mailchimp deserves its title. Easy navigation and simple newsletter tool with essential features to create and send a compelling invite. We recommend this as a perfect kickstarter for beginners.

Meanwhile, Sendgrid is a haven for techies out there. Excellent in handling bulk email delivery and the most essential IP white labeling feature. It’s not as user-friendly as MailChimp but if you’re up for a challenge to make the best out of your campaign, then this is for you.

Campaign Monitor is simply the perfect match for style and intuitiveness. It’s straightforward when it comes to email marketing services. They made it easier to create attractive campaigns that really sell. For simplicity and a professional theme, this one is a great match.

And if for any reason, you cannot choose the right one for you yet, try each of the free newsletter tools and see what works best for you. If after that you still can’t decide, or simply don’t feel like doing it yourself, just contact us and we will help you send your invitation, no matter which tool you have.

The post Top 3 All-time Favorite Newsletter Tools for Event Organizers appeared first on Eventor.app.

Potentials of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Events https://eventor.app/virtual-reality-augmented-reality-events/ Tue, 08 Jan 2019 17:42:33 +0000 https://eventor.app/?p=446 Virtual reality and augmented reality have proved the effectiveness of bridging digital world and the reality we live in these past years. And the use cases of these technologies still continue to improve in business, entertainment, and even in events. These are used to deliver and connect ideas to people through a unique digital experience. As […]

The post Potentials of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Events appeared first on Eventor.app.


Virtual reality and augmented reality have proved the effectiveness of bridging digital world and the reality we live in these past years. And the use cases of these technologies still continue to improve in business, entertainment, and even in events. These are used to deliver and connect ideas to people through a unique digital experience. As a result, it creates a higher level of attendee interaction and serves as a creative canvas for brand storytelling. Thanks to the recent development from AppleGoogle, and Snapchat, this trend will surprise everyone for its notable potentials to boom in the upcoming years.

A New World to Discover with Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality immerses your reality with a virtual one where you can simulate real-life experiences just as much as the impossible situations. This requires using special headsets and controllers that stimulate senses and trick the brain you’re in another reality. You can test drive a car (like how you would in real) and learn how to drive in a virtual world without risking safety and damage control. Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear, HTC Vive and Google Cardboard are some of the top virtual reality devices you can try.

Play Video

Source: Google

If you want to know more so you understand how this works, we recommend you to read this greatly detailed post.

An Interactive Dimension with Augmented Reality

Popularized by empowering apps Pokémon Go and Snapchat filters, Augmented Reality enhances the real world through objects or characters that are “augmented” by computer-generated information. These augmented objects interact in the present reality. You can wear luxury watches on your hand and choose your desired one before buying just like what Tissot Watches did. Might as well watch a character pop out of a shirt that moves around when you look through an iPad like Marks and Spencers launched. Common AR devices are mobile phones and tablets which has over three billion units in the world. (insert pics of common devices)

marks and spencers
Play Video

Use cases of VR and AR that you absolutely don’t want to miss

To learn how you can leverage these trending technologies in events, you have to understand how these can affect individuals. Science says the brain remembers 10 % of what it reads,  20% of what it hears, 90% of what it does after a week. Thus, if the goal is to sell an idea, an experience is the perfect way to convince or win the attention of your attendees.

Mixed reality (the use of both virtual reality and augmented reality) triggers almost every sense which makes it easier to reach out to people. It also transforms information into knowledge. Information is the processed data but knowledge is the information gained through experience. Virtual reality and augmented reality therefore, offer a unique experience for everyone that intends people to learn, feel and process even new ideas. Below are the use cases for event organizers who desire to turn events more engaging.

Bring in a Virtual Reality Demo

Bringing a virtual reality demonstration of your product or service allows your attendees to bring home a satisfying experience. Car companies such as Ford, Mazda, Tesla, and Hyundai are some of the examples that successfully pulled off a VR test-drive demo. You get a specialized VR headset gear and you’re driving in a different world (like how you would in real). A fun and safe activity even for people who plan to buy a car but still learning to drive. Hence, less accountability and less liability. Also, it is a massive help for brand awareness and entertainment – like hitting two birds with one stone.  We know your budget is always tight but now there’s no excuse that you lack the traveling budget or can’t get cross borders approval.

Take Augmented Reality to Fashion and Showrooms

Events as prestigious as the New York Fashion Week invested in transforming an ordinary fashion show to a futuristic one. Got you curious? It may look like a regular stage but when you look at it through a tablet or an iPad, you’ll see digital objects layered everywhere. This will also work for gala and auction events. Imagine all the tasks you have to do in a limited time. 

One wise compromise for this is to create a virtual reality showroom which a good location, a set of VR equipment and a sumptuous course of meals are all you need to think of. Save money on logistics, permits, security and other related expenses and avoid spending too much time on carrying out delayed processes. No need to worry about losing the items for they only exist virtually. Instead of exposing these luxury pieces to everyone, you can just create a VR showroom with all the luxury pieces ready to be sold.

Save the best experience for VIPs

Let’s all be honest. Events are not only for a social gathering or brand awareness but also for encouraging potential business partners and attracting clients too. Of course, all of your attendees are special guests. But at every event there are VIPs and you can’t forget to save them a seat or give them a special privilege.

Imagine organizing a big event and allowing all of your guests to do the Virtual and Augmented Reality demo in a 3-hour duration of the event. And in order to get the best of the demo, it has to be experienced at least 5 minutes per person. So, within that 3 hours, only 36 people can do the demo for 5 minutes. Who would you want to give that experience to? As event organizers, it is a duty to make sure your most important guests get the most out of the event and get your VIPs the WAAOW effect they deserve.

Manage a VIP demo list

Our event experts recommend you to create an event on Eventor app to manage the VIP Guest that you know are coming for the demo. You can even give them a time slot and keep track of that under the description.

The goal is not just about increasing sales. More like gaining the trust in the company and the products being presented to the market. Since events are always busy, event organizers surely need a tool to track and monitor event attendees. You know, to save seats and give free demos to the VIPs first before the rest of the crowd.

Eventor is a great companion for event organizers. Basically, the app helps you check in guests quickly. It even notifies through a text message if your VIPs have arrived. Run a separate list for the Demo to make sure all your VIPs have tried it! Spare the threes! Save your worries though if you’ve never used this app before, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Our team will help you make your event big and unforgettable!

Virtual and Augmented Reality Equipment Rental in Switzerland

There is no other way to experience this than to try it for yourself. Investing in VR and AR equipment is tricky as the hardware is constantly evolving. Mind you, it’s not a practical idea to just jump in without testing the water so you might consider a day or two renting for this equipment.

Don’t worry because you can check ClickOn, the developer of the Eventor app. They supported this trend since the beginning and still believes that this will continue to take on and transform globally the way of events and attendee interaction.

They are offering VR and AR equipment rental at a reasonable price for a local deal. From the HTC Vive,  VR Set up to the Microsoft Hololens headset they will surely have what you are looking for. In fact, they also offer an assessment if you intend to use it for business purposes or events.

Virtual Reality Event Location for Everyone

Why not check out Fusion Arena? Definitely recommended as an exquisite event location. In there, you can run a demo with more than 7 people in the same virtual reality!  This is a  trend everyone would love. Fusion Arena is an arcade and VR haven on Earth.

Bring along your prestige guests and give them a unique and ultimately fun experience. Give your guests a valuable takeaway and just get lost in the beauty of the wonders of the world without traveling further than to a local mall in Zürich. (Another provider is near if you are not located in Switzerland.)

The Takeaway

These technologies are two of the ultimate man-made inventions that continuously create an impact in several industries. It’s not enough to just gather event attendees through a simple event invitation but ensuring them that your brand has a worthwhile experience to offer. You can make your attendees feel like they’re on a cruise ship while virtually wearing a dress your brand is releasing. Make the experience as personalized as possible so they feel connected. They will naturally keep in touch with event organizers like you even days after your successful event. This can only be done through virtual reality and augmented reality events as developers and companies continue to expose its notable capabilities to connect people through the years.

The post Potentials of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Events appeared first on Eventor.app.
